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Monday, March 16, 2015

47 GOP Senators and Members of Congress Violated the Logan Act

Why is no one calling them out?

The letter by 47 Senators and members of Congress trying to undermine negotiations between Iran, the United States and the 5 + 1 group is a pretty clear violation of the Logan Act:

"Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both."Why isn't anyone asking about this and pushing for answers as to how this is not a violation of the law?



  1. Anyone with an understanding of the Constitution knows it is NOT a violation of the law. Only political hacks looking for TV time would say it is a violation.

  2. What about Dennis Rodman's visits to N. Korea? A commie country forbidden to enter for Americans.

  3. +Anyone with any sense would understand that informing any country in the world of the plain and simple laws of out Constitution is totally within the rights of any United States Citizen.

    Hell, every congressman, senator, and runners therefore hand out copies to voters like candy.

    To call foul on this is just trying to CYA other illegal BS.


  4. Classic example is private citizen John Kerry going to Paris to parlay with the North Vietnamese with whom we were actually at war.

    Our elected representatives enjoy a different status than private citizens when they hold forth in this manner.

    A 'normal' president would keep Congress and its leaders in the loop, solicit their views and enlist their support. We have an 'abnormal' person who actively avoids this and publicly insults those who disagree.

    The senators put Iran and the administration on notice that the administration's sprint to a bad deal won't fly.

    Thank you senators!

  5. If Congress is not 'The United States', as the peoples duly elected representatives of a given area, district or state then what is?

  6. Uh... Ya think Obama might be the MASTER of violating the Logan Act?

  7. Everyone needs to get this Logan Act out of their heads. No violation here whatsoever.
    Act was implemented in response to a government official who posed as a private citizen. "Without authority of the United States" is the key phrase.
    The Act prevents unauthorized persons from intervening. Nothing whatsoever prevents members of Congress from engaging in discussions because it is their duty under the Constitution which therefore gives them the authority of the United States.
    Democrats grasping at straws is all this is.

  8. Brash inexperienced young people, it is hard to depend on them to do anything right or left that pleases us old people.

  9. The title of the text which is also known as The Logan Act is
    Private correspondence with foreign governments.
    This all goes to what the definition of what "private" is. Private as in the person/persons doing the corresponding being private citizens as opposed to government officials/agents. Or private as in done in secrecy.
    Either way there is no violation.

  10. Didn't John Kerry do the same when he testified against his fellow troops?


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