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Friday, March 13, 2015

3D Hillary Clinton action figure! (Emails not included)

Hillary Clinton fans can't access her official emails yet, but they may soon be able to download and print a free 3D "ready-for-action figure" of the political powerhouse, thanks to a firm keen to see her run for president.

FCTRY, the Brooklyn-based production studio behind the 2008 Barack Obama action figure that became a hit seller during his successful White House bid, is creating an "iconic" Clinton doll, complete with baby-blue pantsuit.

"We want to kickstart this product, and jumpstart Hillary's campaign all at the same time," FCTRY co-founder Jason Feinberg says in a two-minute, 43-second video pitch to cloudfunding platform Kickstarter introduced this week.

"Honestly, the world kind of needs a Hillary action figure," he added.

The jury is still out on that. But while the project has yet to fully get off the ground, it looked increasingly likely it would.



  1. And when you pull the string on the back I guess the doll lies to you too. If not, it should.

  2. If it is a true imitation, It will say "What difference does it make?" when you put pressure on it.

  3. Does it come with dead body (in)action figures - those of the people she's responsible for killing?


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