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Thursday, March 12, 2015

20 Things Conservatives Want For Americans

Conservatives spend a lot of time talking principles, but not as much time as they should telling people what they want to do for the average American. On the other hand, liberals talk incessantly about what conservatives want to do “to” the average American, but almost all of it is wrong. Here’s what conservatives actually want for Americans.

1) A country where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed, but isn’t dragged down by an insistence on equal results.

2) A safe neighborhood where you can let your kids go out and play in the front yard without having to worry about them being shot, kidnapped or coerced by gang members.

3) A country as free as possible of illegal aliens who commit crimes, use taxpayer services without paying, take jobs that should go to citizens and drive down wages for Americans.

4) An environment with clean air, clean water and clean soil.

5) The right to worship the God you believe in as you please, without interference from the state, as long as you don’t hurt anyone else.

Once again, you can read it all here.


  1. If you presented these to democrats - hiding they were conservative values, how many would say - yes that's a good idea...I want that too?!

    Or are they simply whacked out that far that they really don't want common sense and civility!

    Someone should try that!

    I know some democrats - i'll try a couple and see what happens!

  2. And control what you do in your own bedroom.

  3. 2:09 Conservatives don't care about your bedroom it's you who try to bring your bedroom into public view.

  4. Yes. This is what Conservatives want. Problem is, not a damn one in Government actually has a plan to accomplish anything.


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