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Monday, March 09, 2015

10-year-old saves sister from abduction by sex offender

A 10-year-old boy has become a local legend. His heroic efforts and quick thinking saved his sister from captivity.

The boy, along with his brother and sister, were playing outside near the Cullahill village in Ireland when a man asked for directions to a priest's home, The Irish Independent reports. The man grabbed the girl, but her heroic brother jumped through the driver's window and punched him. While the driver was distracted, his sister escaped from the car.

Police were able to locate and arrest the 34-year-old suspect. The Irish Independent notes that in addition to being a convicted sex offender, the man has robbed priests' homes in the past. The Irish Independent notes that the man has been described as "very volatile and dangerous." In 2004, he was sentenced to four years in jail for abducting a 14-year-old girl. Meghan DeMaria



  1. This should be sent to the women who is so neglectful of her children stating that the danger is very low and we are all over reacting by walking out 6 year old to the park. Or maybe with the social worker who is letting it ride.

  2. important lesson. regardless of who or what you are, don't mess with the Irish.

  3. Probably got the children's info from the priests homes that they burglarized.

  4. Dea-obair , mac !

  5. The Irish Independent notes that in addition to being a convicted sex offender, the man has robbed priests' homes in the past. If the system had done what it is supposed to do (protect society from such scum), this boy or his sister would have ever been put in this horrible situation. Kudos to the kid!


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