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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Yeah Ireton & Fredericksen, You're Prepared For Students! NOT!

"So I had to clean my sidewalks or be fined but the board of Ed gets to play by there own rules. My side walk goes no where, theirs goes all the way down the street".

So Wicomico County Students are expected to walk in the street instead of a cleared sidewalk. QUIT lying to the Press and shame on the Press for NOT seeing if they were, (once again) lying. This area is a joke, seriously.


  1. There is an election rapidly approaching and I haven't heard if the Republicans are putting someone up against Liarton and Jake Gay. They need to get on the ball before it's to late. Everything the City does affects all of us in the County.

    1. Ballot control would be more of a concern 12:00. You could have the best candidate such as Joe but if someone tampers with the election it won't matter.

  2. I hope the two Board of Education appointees work with the current BOE members and find a majority to get rid of John Fredericksen. It can happen and it better happen. John, you are not welcomed in Wicomico County.

  3. Yeah where are the republican contenders for mayor or is the citu that far gone with welfare voters .

  4. High dollar custodians better earn that money!

    1. If you knew what those guys make you'd see what an asinine statement that is. The custodial staff are some of the lowest paid employees second only to food service workers. You're condeming everyone that works at the BOE because of your opinion of the upper management.

    2. They should know how much they get paid since all of their earnings were made public!! Thanks Joe!!

    3. 1242....so the custodians don't get paid enough to clear side walks? Get those 75k kinder garden teachers out there then!

  5. Sadly the city elections are non partisan. That should change.

  6. Look at the roadway between the Health Dept. building and the parking garage in Salisbury -- a sheet of ice for several days now!

  7. The schools will be closed next Monday -- check the weather for tomorrow and Sunday!

  8. 12:39 -- but nonpartisan does not mean the Republicans can't back better candidates than those Democrat dunces and fakers like Day and Ireton.

  9. Classic "do as I say, not as I do".

  10. Surely you're not suggesting that someone would tell blatant lies that are easily uncovered. What would that say about how the person would manipulate information that isn't public? I'm shocked.

  11. i would run but im just a normal jo not known so it would be a wast of money to try i hope someone will run and get rid of the dead weight

  12. It's no different than the sidewalks in need of weeding and repair around the older schools.

  13. The Board of Ed and all the schools are County!

    1. That's true...but they are physically located within city limits, which means they have to abide by city ordinances..

  14. 2:18, All of the schools are NOT IN the County.

  15. Thank you for showing photos that are a result of poor management at the schools and school board. Vote them all out. Oh, I forgot maybe we can't vote them out?

  16. 3:25, You may think that's funny but let me tell you something. I happen to have a new friend with a last name HOGAN and things are about to change.

  17. If an appointed school board would hold its one employee accountable, perhaps fewer voters would be wanting a way to replace them.

  18. The school board is a failure. They support building new schools while the classroom education has slipped in rank in the state. What the h#ll is wrong with these people? They must be sheep who blindly follow Ron Willey and Frederickson. Potential businesses look at the QUALITY of education in the county not if the school is brand new. These people don't appear to be smart enough to serve on a board that deals with education!

  19. If a group sees itself as advisory only, forgetting it can fire the boss it's advising, a change is needed.

  20. I hope your right Joe, because we need industry and jobs in Wicomico County.


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