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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Wicomico County Announces Fuel Savings


  1. The point you may be missing is the fact county employees are using gas which costs money (regardless of the price) while taking vehicles home with them. Mr. Culver is saving the poor taxpayer money by stopping this wasteful spending.

    I for one citizen am extremely grateful that Mr. Culver cares about the bottom line and my wallet.

    Haven't we all had enough of wasteful spending by the city, county, and federal governments????

  2. 4:47
    I say it is a big deal. At $1500 a month that turns into 18k a year.

  3. Hopefully this is just the beginning of a comprehensive review Culver is doing of all county operations. We have seen posts from Joe on the past credit card abuse. There is much to do and this is only the beginning of month 3. How about giving the guy a change to get a handle on the bad management that has gone on for the last 8 years and back even further. Pollitt likes to call himself the first county executive. In my mind, Culver is the first one because Pollitt just continued the same old thing and offered nothing new. The good ole boys just kept rolling along under Pollitt. Culver IS a county executive.

  4. Wait until we see the saving numbers on tires,brakes, and general preventative maint and repairs. Along with the vehicles lasting alot longer because there mileage has been reduced. So great to see the big shots have to burn there own gas. Now Bob lets cut some of the unneeded cell phones the big shots use mostly for personal texts and private agendas.That will be a great savings also.Keep up the good work.

  5. Looks like nobody read the second page...

  6. 6:32
    Mileage actually went up. Did you read the report?

  7. Make them ride bicycles.

  8. Absolutely, cell phones should be next. Also sheriffs office take home cars should be limited to only those who absolutely are needed. Every time I walk into Government Office Building I see a lot of staff sitting at desk, but they never look very busy. Two women sit in Planning and Zonning never busy.

  9. i see a whole line of gas guzzling vehicles every time i go by the sheriffs dept.tahoe after tahoe, f-350 ford crew cabs,chargers out the ying yang.i guess mikey and the boyz are exempt from fuel records being published i guess there fuel is not paid for by thr taxpayer

  10. Here's what cracks me up. There are EIGHT ADDITIONAL vehicles at the Sheriff's Office above and beyond last year. The nay sayers want to try to attack Bob on this matter but as always they do not have the facts. Also, wait until you all see the massive savings taxpayers will now receive on lower car insurance bills. Then of course there will be the financial return the County will receive when ALL of the vehicles are SOLD.

    I love how Prettyman has now made a deal with the devil. Yes, Stevie, I know what's going on.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Make them ride bicycles.

    February 5, 2015 at 7:28 PM

    NO make them drive their own cars back and forth to work.

  12. At least the Sheriff's Office is working and they are deputies 24 hours a day. Give them a break.

  13. I thought the Charter said that the Internal Auditor worked for the County Council and not the County Executive? Since when did he start answering to the County Executive? Someone needs to reread the charter.

  14. mr albero: Thanks for keeping us up to date.
    I have to say for the first time in many years when i wake to go to work i know my taxdollars are being spent the best they can be at a state level with Mr Hogan and at a local level with Mr Culver.I hope to shake both there hands someday.

  15. My mom always told me, "watch your pennies, and the dollars will take care of themselves". Smart lady.

  16. like someone said read the second page some make sense that gallons went down. some as you can see burned more gallons--agree with saving pennies adding to dollars--what has not been reviewed is the difference in services---the emergency services people that are on call 24/7 now have to drive to their office get their vehicle and then go to emergencies making the response time much greater--the radio service people might have been able to go directly to a radio tower or broken radio in a vehicle somewhere in the county now they drive all the way to the office and then drive back to the problem--will we really be saving in the long run?


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