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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Why are Americans confused about Obama’s religion?

Fresh from a controversy over his views on evolution, Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker is now involved in a controversy over his views, or lack of them, on President Obama's religion. On Saturday,two Washington Post reporters asked Walker, in the nation's capital for a governor's meeting, whether Obama is a Christian. Walker said he didn't know.

Informed by the reporters that Obama is in fact a Christian, Walker replied, "I've actually never talked about it or I haven't read about that," protesting that the president's religion is not a topic of great interest to voters. "I would defy you to come to Wisconsin. You could ask 100 people, and not one of them would say that this is a significant issue," Walker told the Post.

Nevertheless, the story created at least a minor explosion in the political press, and Democrats quickly used it to attack a Republican who has recently risen to the top tier of the GOP 2016 presidential field.

But when it comes to confusion, or wrong information, about Obama's religion, Scott Walker is far from alone. Polls have long shown many Americans know little about the president's faith.



  1. because they are racist and d o not like that a black man is president. What does anyones religion matter. Im sure most on her consider christians but if you read the comments you would think so

    1. He ia Fn anti American and needs to be arrested for TREASON, why did you vote for him bc he was black ? I bet

    2. Thats funny it was the majority of idiot white female college women and single moms that got him elected fo do your homework fool.

  2. Or anything else important for that matter!!!!

  3. Blacks account for 13% of the population how was he just voted in by blacks HUH.1204. Is a uneducated fool and is the reason America is going to hell.

  4. Because they are sheep that believe what the the extreame right wing tells them.

  5. Dems are all about confusing the public.

  6. He was born and raised a muslim but for political purposes he went to the rev. wright's church but his sympathys are with the muslims.

  7. No 12:04 people don't like him because he's failed at everything he has ever done. He has no accomplishments to his name both personally and professionally. He's a pathological liar and so is that thing he is married to. His spawn listens to that awful noise some call music that glorifies violence and drugs and disrespects women and those in authority. He's second rate and low class and if your standards are that low then so be it but a lot of people including myself will not settle for someone so low into the gutter.
    I am thankful that you did say he was black. The blacks deserve him and they can have him. He epitomizes why the black communities have fallen in every social area that matters. Experience is the best teacher. Blacks will continue to wallow and many will drown in their cess pools of crime and poverty when and until they wise up and vote for substance.
    If I'm a racist then so be it. The word means nothing other than you are dealing with a low IQ black who can't debate intelligently but think throwing out the race word is clever.


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