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Wednesday, February 04, 2015

WCBOE Redistricting Information & Input Meetings

Tuesday, Feb. 10, Thursday, Feb. 12

Redistricting Information & Input Meetings
Salisbury Middle School, Delmar Elementary

Wicomico County Public Schools will hold four Information & Input Meetings on proposed redistricting plans during the month of February, starting this week. These Information & Input meetings on redistricting will be held:

Tuesday, Feb. 10 at Salisbury Middle School, cafeteria, 7 p.m.

Thursday, Feb. 12 at Delmar Elementary, cafeteria, 7 p.m.

Tuesday, Feb. 17 at Pittsville Elementary and Middle, cafeteria, 7 p.m.

Thursday, Feb. 19 at Fruitland Intermediate, cafeteria, 7 p.m.

Redistricting is necessary from time to time to balance enrollment between schools and to adjust to changes in facility use, which for next school year will include the opening of the new Bennett Middle School in Fruitland. A Redistricting Committee with representation from every school in the county is currently meeting to analyze data on enrollment, facility use, special permissions and other factors that impact school attendance boundaries. Following the committee’s work, the school system will be prepared to share the objectives and parameters of redistricting with the community, along with specific proposals for adjustments. This information will also be posted at www.wcboe.org.

The Information & Input Meetings will include the presentation of redistricting objectives and parameters of redistricting planning for the 2015-2016 school year, followed by the opportunity for public comments and questions on the redistricting proposals. For information please call 410-677-4562 or email bdail@wcboe.org.


  1. "Redistricting is necessary from time to time to balance enrollment between schools..."

    That is code for social re-engineering. Too many blacks failing in school A? Simple, redistrict some of the smarter white neighborhood to that school.

    Never mind the fact that you may have chosen to live in a particular neighborhood because of the school (and thus paid a higher price for the house). When the Board wants to play their social engineering game, they can take your nice neighborhood, in the good district, and move you to the crap school at will.

    And the crass answer from the Board is "well, where you live doesn't guarantee what school you can go to. It can change anytime".

    You know, because:

    "Redistricting is necessary from time to time to balance enrollment between schools..."

  2. This is all BS! Let's spend some more money. That's really the bottom line. Of course I'd say the bottom line is also shared with 9:40 Anon's comment.
    Leave Delmar alone! You've (WCBOE) already worked around the agreement with Delmar School District that is over 60 years old, what's next?
    Delmar needs to just build an elementary school on the Delaware side to keep WCBOE's hands off of it!

  3. Interesting that East Salisbury and Wi Middle are being closed to make a central office location and a "swing school" for use during renovations and construction. Why not make Glen Avenue the central office location since it has very small student population and is on one floor making it simpler for public access.

  4. Anonymous said...
    "Redistricting is necessary from time to time to balance enrollment between schools..."

    That is code for social re-engineering. Too many blacks failing in school A? Simple, redistrict some of the smarter white neighborhood to that school.

    Never mind the fact that you may have chosen to live in a particular neighborhood because of the school (and thus paid a higher price for the house). When the Board wants to play their social engineering game, they can take your nice neighborhood, in the good district, and move you to the crap school at will.

    And the crass answer from the Board is "well, where you live doesn't guarantee what school you can go to. It can change anytime".

    You know, because:

    "Redistricting is necessary from time to time to balance enrollment between schools..."

    February 4, 2015 at 9:40 AM

    You are 100% Correct.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Interesting that East Salisbury and Wi Middle are being closed to make a central office location and a "swing school" for use during renovations and construction. Why not make Glen Avenue the central office location since it has very small student population and is on one floor making it simpler for public access.

    February 4, 2015 at 4:15 PM

    Why not keep everything the way it is DUMBASS!!

    Everything about this plan will cost money. We don't need to spend any more money.

  6. 2:47 I believe 4:15 actually agrees with you. I think the point is that the reason East and Wi Middle were chosen for repurposing has nothing to do with logic or thrift. So why were those two chosen? Also, any more information on the move of some central office folks to rented space? Why is the transparent board being so quiet about this part of facilities?


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