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Thursday, February 19, 2015

WATCH LIVE: President Obama set to give closing remarks at White House summit on extremism

President Obama is set to give the closing remarks at the White House summit on 'Countering Violent Extremism,' which is streaming live now on FoxNews.com.

GO HERE to view.


  1. Who cares what he says? You can't believe a word of it, anyway.

  2. He is a liar. Like he said about Obamacare, if you like your boat you can keep your boat. I am not in the same boat that he says we're all in.

  3. His father was a muslim. His mother later married another muslim and the family lived in Indonesia where he was raised a muslim and attended muslim schools. He was indoctrinated as a muslim and you wonder why he won't criticize muslim terrorists?

  4. I would like to see Obama and his women spokespeople hold a bonaifed Job Fair in Iraq for the ISIS rebels to see if a job flipping burger really would keep them from cutting their heads off! It certainly is an interesting premise.

  5. " My fellow Amerikans, I'm a fraud. I've been lying to you since before I took office. I'm truly scared because I'm in WAY over my head and don't have a clue about anything to do with running a Government. I've faked it pretty well for a while but it's all caught up to me. I'm a failure. Sorry!"

  6. Liberals killing America.

  7. 11:43 don't fool yourself, he knows exactly what he is doing, he has studied it for many years and has had some excellent teachers and mentors

  8. Obama is naked and mentally ill.


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