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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Washington Post's Al Sharpton profile leaves out much of the Rev.'s past

A lengthy new Washington Post profile on the Rev. Al Sharpton looks at the MSNBC host’s standing as a civil rights leader and but treads very lightly around some of the less flattering details of Sharpton's past.

The 5,800-word piece, which took the center spot above the fold on the front page of Sunday's paper, refers to "doubts" and questions about the longtime community activist, but these doubts refer to Sharpton's own inner turmoil over whether he has had a substantial enough impact on the standing of minorities in the U.S.

The piece only briefly touches on Sharpton's multimillion-dollar tax troubles, his lead role in the Tawana Brawley hoax in the 1980s, and his statements during 1995 demonstrations at Freddie's Fashion Mart in Harlem — omitting entirely that the Freddie's agitation ended when a protestor murdered seven people in the store and burned it down.



  1. Sharpton is a liar, thief, a law breaker, and has a history of drug usage abuse.

  2. Sharpton is the poster boy for the Scam-o-crats.
    What an indictment of progressives that they would even associate with this fellow, let alone put him forward as a 'leader'.

  3. Sharpton is a skunk no doubt, but the PRESS is the problem these days. They are creating false narratives and false facts to back up the agenda!
    If you know someone in media, let them know about it!

  4. Right now they should be riding his as like he was running for office.Find every little thing he has ever done wrong.

  5. The Post should hire Bryan Williams as editor-in-chief. He's a consummate liar like their reporters.

  6. 6:27
    They didn't get the nickname Washington Compost for accurate reporting :)


  7. Since middle of 2013 The Washington Post has been owned by Jeff Bezos, the founder and head of Amazon.

    They wouldn't be blowing kisses toward Sharpton if it didn't pass muster with the owner!


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