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Sunday, February 22, 2015

VP Biden gets handsy with Stephanie Carter as husband Ash is sworn in

Vice President Joe Biden has become well known for his love of close talking, and he was at it again on Tuesday.

Biden was at the swearing in ceremony of new Defense Secretary Ash Carter, and as Carter delivered his speech, Biden could be seen in the background with his arms on the shoulders of the man's wife, Stephanie, and whispering into her ear.

Moments later, Mr. Carter reached over and touched his wife on her shoulder as Biden stepped back.

After some public outcry over his behavior, Biden managed to find himself under fire again later in the day with a statement he made about Somalians.



  1. Seems like a lot of ruckas over nothing.

    Hands on shoulders and a whisper in the ear?

    Are we going to burn her at the stake for showing her ankles? Obviously means she's asking for it right?

    Out of all the stupid things that our "Leadership" does, and all the real problems... this is seriously a non-issue.

  2. That SOB is freaking CREEPY!! And Chuck Cook loves him so much he put Biden's picture as his FB profile.

  3. Bill Clinton's Grandfather...

  4. Jim Ireton, Chuck Cook, Chris Demone and would love for Joe Biden to size them up from behind.

  5. what a creeper! are there any real men left in DC, Like maybe one who would knock this buffoon on his @ss for putting his hands on their wife? Didn't think so!

  6. Will someone PLEASE make him President today?

  7. But he still would be better than Barack or Hillary!

  8. Take My wife,,,,,,Please


  9. Paging Dr. Jill...Stat!

  10. We would could have had a new female hero if she turned around and kicked him in the nuts.

  11. Gee, your hair smells terrific!

  12. My boss's husband does this to me all the time. Guess I need to file a lawsuit! I think people need to chill.

  13. Ladyliddy, so which is it?

  14. I was being sarcastic! Chill!

  15. She doesn't look real happy!


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