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Thursday, February 05, 2015

US forces attacking ISIS at night

An amazing clip. The drone has changed the entire concept of war that most of us have not fully realized. This is at night – in the dark.
There are a bunch of fellows there that missed breakfast. Note how clear the bad guys are seen - great advantage in this type of war.
And the guy behind the camera and guns is not even flying! USA forces attacking ISIS at night.

What level of sophistication without collateral damage. Even the mules & donkeys are spared . (plus the tents with women and children) 

A must view 15 minute clip by US forces a few nights ago.


  1. This is OLD footage and unfortunately we and ALL the Muslim states Must put boots on the ground because Obama has let this SPREAD to iraq and syria.

  2. Not going to squat with waging a real war with troops.
    Wake the heck up.
    yeah, they take out a few playing drone games. but it's nothing more than a pin prick.
    you want the real game, send in
    100,000 troops and get the job done right.
    this drone stuff is a joke.

  3. Lets no kid ourselves about "no collateral damage", that's a new talking point Obama made up. There are studies out, conducted by Stanford and NYU...the vast majority of casualties from drone strikes are civilians. Not terrorists. Multiple countries and news organizations estimate 70-80% of all drone casualties are NOT terrorists.

    What this does, is enable more recruiting to those same terrorists we're trying to destroy. A perpetual war machine, bought by the public, sold by Uncle Sam & friends.

  4. Those are not drones, those are AH64 Apache Helicopter Gunships flown by a crew of 2 US Army soldiers.


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