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Friday, February 13, 2015

TSA Agent Charged With Sexual Assault Of Teen

A TSA agent at BWI-Marshall Airport faces charges he sexually abused a 14-year-old girl.

Charging documents obtained by WBAL-TV allege 40-year-old Samuel Bryant fondled the teen while she was staying at his house in Anne Arundel County last month.

He was arrested and charged, and is now free on bond.



  1. Get rid of this department. We don't need them, and they are a waste of money.

  2. Free on bond? Why do they let these animals go? It should be changed to no bond, PERIOD.

  3. What a pervert. I heard he was a Democrat.

  4. IF anyone with a sound mind and working brain reads the charging statements and hear the story of the accuser. YOU will too doubt the WHOLE story and this is why the WHOLE system needs to be looked at as a whole. As these Kids today know if they want attention. All they need to do is cry RAPE and the world jumps and when the truth comes out they lied nothing happens to them for the lies and that is WORNG. I do not know this guy ..nor am I saying he is guilty or innocent. I am just saying read ALL the facts to this story and it will make a normal person say WHAT?? People are so damn quick to judge and hang someone today. Many times the truth does not have time to come out in these cases till years later after someone's life is all screwed up for life and the person who lies walks away free...WHY ..slow down people and see the whole picture and that is why this country is in down fall as today the Gov. can tell you all fools a pack of lies and you all believe it and when the crap hits the fan ..you all want to know why...WHY because you all trusted these fools on office and still vote them back in office after years of getting screwed.

  5. Thousands Standing Around!
    Shut it down - it is only a show agency designed to make us feel better - not actually be safer.

    While it is better than the foreigners the airlines were allowed to hire (at low wages without vetting), it does not provide better security - just longer lines and impediments to freedom!

  6. He's pleading insanity. He's just crazy about that stuff.....


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