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Friday, February 06, 2015

Today's Survey Question 2-6-15

Don't you think that places like Disneyland/world could require that ALL foreign visitors are required to provide proof of vaccinations before entering the parks? OR, provide proof in order to obtain a Passport?  


  1. We don't need no steenking passports! We got Obama holding the door for us!

  2. so Disneyland is going to check documentation at the gate REALLY

  3. You obviously don't keep up with where so many people in the U.S. got sick. It started at Disneyland. I think its a great idea.

  4. Slippery slope once we "require" a business to perform that duty. To properly enforce visitors would have to show an ID to prove they are not a foreign traveler. I don't see that happening.

    The passport idea would be much better to implement.

    The right place to check would be at the airport / customs. That way those not vaccinated are kept out of the US and not just places like Disneyland.

  5. absolutely NOT!! Where will it stop?!

    1. And why not require ALL visitors to show proof of vaccination?

  6. No, you can't control this everywhere! Put the problem back in the hands of those who think its all right to allow illegals to cross the border. Maybe once their children come down with these diseases, they will think differently.

    1. What about the legals that don't vaccinate??

  7. I am 60 years old. Born, raised and educated in the U.S. If I were to go to ANY amusement park right now and they asked me for proof of vaccinations, I would have NO chance of being admitted to the park.


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