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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Three Teens Charged In Berlin Vandalism Case

BERLIN – Three area teenagers are facing a number of charges following the vandalism spree that left more than 30 vehicles and several buildings damaged in downtown Berlin.

Police on Tuesday charged two juveniles from Ocean Pines and Jordan Alexandria Denton, 18, of Ocean City, with malicious destruction after dozens of vehicles were found covered in spray paint Jan. 25. Several buildings, garbage cans and even town electric meters were also damaged.

Berlin Police Chief Arnold Downing thanked area residents and business owners for their help in identifying the suspects through surveillance camera footage.



  1. Name the juveniles! They want to play big boy games, the public should know who the delinquents are.

  2. Make them repair the damages

  3. Make them and their parents clean the cars in a public forum!

  4. This is artistic expression, leave them alone! They are just misunderstood youths. They were just acting out frustrations with the world. Brian Williams did a story on disenchanted children, it is societies fault is what he said, and we know a trusted newsman wouldn't lie.

  5. Oh I think their punishment should be working every waking hour (that they are not in school or at work, if they have a job)beautifying the town of Berlin - if a building or buildings need roofing, painting, whatever, call upon them to do it - if, in the summer, plants or flowers need to be planted and tended to call upon them; if grass needs to be cut, call upon them; if floors needs to be scrubbed or waxed, call upon them - whatever needs to be done call upon them to do it, including removing all the spray paint on whatever they painted. And...they get to work in whatever the weather may be, cold, snow, blow, rain, heat, whatever. Maybe then they would think twice about destroying someone elses property.

  6. I bet their parents are real proud!

  7. I was a P.O.S kid (although I never did this destructive of stuff). My parents had nothing to do with it. It was all my decision. Why punish the already (likely) helpless parents?

    1. I bet you where a bully too ? Pos.

  8. Punish the kids. Make them work at community service.


  9. My patience at shielding 'juvenile offenders' is at an end. If they are capable of adult crimes the rest of the town should be aware of who is charged and convicted in order to protect their interests from those who are out of control.

    Withhold the name prior to conviction...and judges, really enforce the law.


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