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Thursday, February 19, 2015

This Is What We Love To See

Hi Joe

Glad you referred me to Dicarlo Printing for converting my family scrapbooks to digital. They were the only ones on the shore that were able to transfer the 13 x 13 scrapbooks to digital. This will preserve the Perdue Family History on the Eastern Shore for years to come. The years from approx. 1940 - 1980, articles and pictures, cannot be erased. 

Dicarlo's did a great job and was very careful in disassembling and reassembling the books before and after converting them to digital.
Again thanks so much for directing me to Dicarlo's and thanks to Dicarlo's for doing a great job.


  1. Thanks for taking the time to let the community know about this business. Sometimes, all we get is the negative stories.

  2. They are fantastic people, who have built a fine, family oriented business with many years of hard work. Nice tribute.


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