In the wake of the grand jury decision not to indict the police officers who killed Eric Garner in an illegal chokehold MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell interviewed police analysts Eugene O’Donnell and Jim Cavanaugh on his show “The Last Word.” Cavanaugh made an interesting point observing that in the past police engaged in high-speed chases no matter what the crime but came to understand that the trade-off in life lost in accidents for anything less that the pursuit of violent felons was not worth it. He said:
We need to take that attitude to the street. If you would just imagine if Officer Wilson in Ferguson had just taken a step back after the confrontation with the vehicle and after Michael Brown ran away. Just after he called for backup that was 90 seconds away. Where was Michael Brown going to go? He’s going to the hospital, he’s been shot. He’s not going to Kathmandu, on an airplane. You’re going to catch him. Just take a step back. In Mr. Garner’s case, as well. When he puts his hands like this it’s like, “ok ok,” when they get on his back, take a step back. In the Cleveland case with the child, if you drive your car in like that, if you have an escaped felon with a gun you’re dead, he’s going to shoot you as soon as you drive up. What kind of tactic is that? So take a step back and be smart and we can police better than we’re doing.
That is a very common sense suggestion. Despite the fancy gear and the defensive attitude, police aren’t actually at war with the population they patrol and it makes no sense that they go from zero to 60 in the blink of an eye when they have other options. The decision to shoot Mike Brown will be a matter of debate for some time to come. But it’s the decision to get out of the car and pursue him before his backup arrived that should really be questioned.
Not these shore billy leos
ReplyDeleteBig Mouth until you need a leo,hypocrite.
DeleteIs it fair to judge a police office who may have had seconds to make a decision, when the one judging had 6 months or more to come to a conclusion. With that logic wouldn't it have been just as easy had Brown just obeyed Wilson's orders, Brown would still be alive.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, run or retreat from the bad guy. They should pass a law that you get shot on site if you fail to comply with the police. This country is going down the crapper with lack of discipline. You see it best in children and today's tounger crowd. People use to get summer jobs while out of school. Now they do not finish school and working is a foreign language. Kids addressed adult as sir and mam and did not curse, they asked permission to be excused from the table, chewed with their mouth shut, did not interrupt conversations and had overall respect for themselves and others. Keep playing the game that the government, police, or parents should not be hard asses when disciplining savage people. Follow the rules and contribute to society or do not be part of it. Ever notice how all the innocent people beaten or killed by the police are sponges on society and have never contributed. Society a country a town only work if everyone pulls their weight. We as a nation have gotten to the point it is ok to be a slug and act like an idiot.
ReplyDeleteShoot first! Ask questions later. Never retreat! The life of a LEO is MUCH more important than any citizen. Don't you people know this yet?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteShoot first! Ask questions later. Never retreat! The life of a LEO is MUCH more important than any citizen. Don't you people know this yet?
You are idiot straight up... Citizen's lives are equal to cops as much as to firefighters or a steel building worker down to a farmer... Just because this guy knows what his job is and what it details and what dangers are in it, he still chose that job, yes it is commendable but it does not mean their lives are more important than mine or any one else PERIOD!!!!
That statement you made just shows you how STUPID you are... And most of america!!!! NO ONES LIVE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN MINE... especially not because someone wears a tin metal badge where I can buy one from a store...
Just becasue you have a choice to kill someone or not does not make you a hero... you all keep talking bullshit about if you didn't do this or that you wouldn't get shot, well tell that to people who got shot and killed for nothing, absolutely nothing but for moving...
You all are to blame because 1)you are scared pussies who rather let the unknown scare you instead of living you life the way you should... 2)say that any thing a cops does is ok when clearly it is not... They are trained to be this way and that to is a problem...
you all need to know that one day you will die no if and's or but's... you are more likely to get shot by a cop r beat by a cop than get killed any other way and you all refuse to see that...
Anonymous poster I hope and pray to god that something bad happens to you via a cop so you can truly see how asinine your comment is... you are probably a cop yourself... A pos cop at that!!!
My badge is metal, not tin.
ReplyDelete"you all need to know that one day you will die no if and's or but's... you are more likely to get shot by a cop r beat by a cop than get killed any other way and you all refuse to see that..."
ReplyDeleteThis statement isn't even remotely true. Enjoy making things up much?
Hi 8:14
ReplyDeleteThought you'd see the sarcasm/opposite in the 8:00 post. It is obviously the mentality of the mercenaries that stalk citizens in our streets, the same ones that shoot family pets that are on chains out of reach, or the ones that electrocute/taze a drunk in handcuffs continuously for minutes at a time, or the ones that lie on the stand to get a false conviction, or the ones that shoot a homeowner after they raid the wrong house, then act cocky and arrogant about it.
Sorry to get your blood pressure up.
Follow this article's advise, and then what happens when the "fleeing suspect," that has already committed a strong arm robbery and an assault on a police officer who failed to pursue, then carjacks someone, or kills a law abiding member of the public, while fleeing from arrest?
ReplyDeleteThen it will again be the officer's fault for not stopping a fleeing felon, when he had the chance. That officer was the bravest of the brave to put his life on the line to protect not only himself, but the public he is sworn to protect. He responded admirably and appropriately. Mr. Brown's death was the result of HIS actions, and not anyone else. The grand jury agreed.