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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

These 2 Charts From Comcast Show Why Net Neutrality Is Vital

Comcast released its quarterly earnings report and the timing couldn’t be better, with the FCC set to vote on Chairman Tom Wheeler’s net neutrality proposal later this week. 


  1. bad idea ! if the government gets its hands greased from internet revenue ,the consumer be damned and will have to pony up !

  2. This is the Big Lie.

    Why does Comcast want it and Verizon is against it? Answer that and you find out the truth.

    Fact is, Comcast is losing TV customers because they hold the good channels ransom from their "consumers" in order to shove 100 or so crap channels up our wazoos in certain "packages" so they can collect money from 110 broadcasters instead of just the ten we watch.

    Trouble with internet viewing now is that us "consumers" can turn ourselves into "customers" by picking and choosing just the content we want without having to get it through a "package".

    Poor little Comcast doesn't like going through the work of finding better entertainment for people to choose from, they just want to keep playing their same old top 40 and keep charging us for it.

    We choose to vote with or feet, and Comcast doesn't like that.

    Vote for Net Neutrality, and you will be channeled into looking through bundles to find what you want, and the size of the bundles will just slow everything down, anyway.

    It's a big lie, and always has been every time they try to shove this through.

    One more time;
    Television is controlled by the FCC, and it is dying off in sales.

    The internet is NOT controlled by the FCC, and is flourishing in sales.

    Comcast and friends have full bellies and want seconds. Don't give it to them.

  3. All I can tell you is that Comcast help me captive last week for days and days while they sent messages that contradicted each other and played around with my channels and cut off the sound...and had cable going in and out. Do I think they manipulate all this. HELL YES. One button in the control room is all they have to push. Well....there goes MY Comcast for the weekend. If they are not calling you a dirty name on your comcast bill they are jerking your reception on a daily basis. Top dollar for piss poor production.

  4. You know what people, then don't pay for their products if you do not like them...


    YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE... you pay for it so you get it, if you don't like it, change it... either drop the service or help us change it...

    Instead of being a fat lazy stupid POS...

  5. You do not have any choice you will pay for Comcast and like it.

  6. 11:39
    Net neutrality would actually give us a choice in the matter. Right now there is none. I literally can't get my internet from anywhere else bedsides Comcast. Soon I'll actually have options!

    And are you seriously insulting those that are actually participating in our democracy in order to make a difference? Do you know how this country works????

  7. 113, Do you have a telephone line? Verizon sends DSL through that right into my home and I'm perfectly happy with their service! If I become dissatisfied, I have an open sky above my house. Do you? Just point a satellite dish up there and get your internet there!

    Oh, look! your ignorance is showing!

  8. DSL is NOT offered everywhere. If the lines are too crowded you can't sign up. And I can't use a satellite dish.


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