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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Moment an Officer Tells Fellow Officers She’s “Turning Off the Dashcam” as they Beat and Taze Suspect

Cortez Bufford, 18, has brought a lawsuit against St Louis Police Department for allegedly using excessive force during a traffic stop

Officer Kelli Swinton can be heard saying: ‘Hold up. Hold up, y’all. Hold up. Hold up, everybody, hold up. We’re red right now, so if you guys are worried about cameras, just wait.’




  1. Just from the context, the rules should allow for the 'victim' to collect damages from the officers and the officers should be terminated. It appears as though they acted with intent!

  2. Gangsters are guilty of the crimes they do.
    So are the "lookouts", the getaway drivers, and the people who helped them.
    "Accessory" is what its called when "we, the people" help others commit a crime. Like assault.
    Wear a badge and BRAG about the "cover-up" and its no longer even a crime.
    We're supposed to RESPECT that???

  3. What a dumb be'atch

  4. I have cameras in my car. I want them to mess up with me and my rights. I can't wait for that pay out!

  5. I have needed the police for property theft 3 times. Every time was an open shut case but all they did was fill out a report. I went to report one theft and they gave me a sobriety test in the barracks! When the guy was caught later red handed(not by PD but by the workers at the business it was stolen from), they still did nothing. Prosecuting victimless crime has been made so easy (and profitable) that "protect and serve" now comes second to "harass and intimidate".


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