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Friday, February 13, 2015

The Daily Times, Liberal Reporting At Its Best, Not!

"investigative reporter" who whined about Culver's quorum. Maybe they could take Brian Williams' place.


  1. When was Carol Burnett a CNN news anchor? I guess Harvey Kornman did sports and Tim Conway weather.

  2. This Phil Davis is a complete raw rookie, I've taught 5th graders who could write circles around him!

  3. He was winking to his mom.

  4. I am sure Chuck Cook, Josh Hastings and the Wicomico County Democrat Club set Susan Parker up with this. Josh Hastings "Josh Hastings for Wicomico County" FB page posted this Andy Harris attack yesterday about the same time that Chuck Cook posted it on his FB page. There are some very nasty comments on both pages about this and it pisses me off.

    Josh Hastings is the President of the Wicomico County Democrat Club by the way.

  5. So far this month the reporter's discovered a non-existent quorum requirement and a non-existent CNN anchor.

  6. The president of the Wicomico County Republican Club Jackie Welfonder is on Chuck Cook's Facebook page liking his attack of the Republican Congressman Andy Harris. She even makes the comment "Eww" which is "Liked" by extreme left wingnut Bill Duck. President Jackie Welfonder should be defending Congressman Harris from the attacks of the left wingnuts on extremist Chuck Cooks FB page. President Jackie Welfonder should not be making a disgusting attack on the Congressman with her degrading comment of "Eww." One might wonder why the Republican Club president is a friend on an enemy of the Republicans Facebook page. Jackie Welfonder is obviously not a committed member of the Republican Club and she is an embarrassment to the Wicomico County Republican Club. Jackie Welfonder please resign from the Wicomico County Republican Club immediately. If she does not resign she should be kicked out of the Club for Conduct Unbecoming of a Club Officer.

  7. WTF is Josh Hastings doing with a FB Page for the Wicomico County Council??

  8. Jackie Welfonder is a RINO. Anyone that is friends with Chuck Cook is not a good Republican. Chuck Cook hates all Republicans and his Facebook page is nothing but Republican bashing. She can not be trusted by the Republicans and she is hated by many. It's time for her to pack her bags and leave Republican politics in Wicomico County. She tried to get elected to the Wicomico County Central Committee the the people shot her down. She was not wanted by the people of Wicomico County so she needs to take a hint and move on. Buh Bye!!


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