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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Team Bibi Schools Team Obama In Boycott Showdown

Team Barack started strong, but Team Bibi is showing it knows how to finish, as supporters of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pick up steam against those urging a boycott of his speech next week before Congress.

About 20 House and Senate Democrats announced early on that they would not attend the March 3 speech, which is being cast as a rebuke to President Obama, but since then only a handful have joined them as pro-Netanyahu advocates counter by hinting at political consequences for the no-shows.

Christians United for Israel, for example, sent out an action alert a few weeks ago urging its members to contact their representatives in support of the Netanyahu speech. The result was a blast of more than 30,000 emails asking lawmakers not to let “partisan politics and petty excuses keep you from fulfilling the most basic of responsibilities of your office.”

Mr. Obama is refusing to meet with Mr. Netanyahu during his visit here, accusing Mr. Boehner of breaking protocol in issuing the invite. Vice President Joseph R. Biden, who as presiding officer of the Senate would normally sit on the dais behind the prime minister, has scheduled a trip and won’t be in attendance.

But only 23 of the House’s 188 Democrats, two of the Senate’s 44 Democrats and one independent have said they will skip the March 3 speech, according to an online “whip list” maintained by The Hill.

“Here’s the difference: Obama doesn’t have to run for re-election again. A lot of these guys do,” Mr. Brog said. “So if they’re doubling down with the White House on what is increasingly proving to be a naive approach to this evil, they could pay with their jobs.”

Here is more


  1. Does anyone still wonder where the democrats stand? They represent radical Muslims and illegal aliens. Anyone with a 'progressive' anti-American stance. And YES, as an independent, I will argue that the republicans, while far from perfect, offer much better choices for political office.

  2. F dems there anti American and Pro Muslim and pro race baiters .

  3. Obama couldn't rival a pimple on Bibi's arse.

  4. Republicans may want to tread lightly on this matter.This is not something that they should take political advantage of before or during the upcoming presidential race.Israelis are not like Americans.We totally expect campaign promises and commitments to be broken.They on the other hand expect them to be kept.Ben is grossly overestimating US clout in the world.Cold War days are far behind us,and any actions taken by us at this time would reveal our weaknesses.R&D's should both exercise caution at making promises they cannot keep.


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