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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Supporters Suggest Decision To Take Title Racially Motivated

There are accusations that racism was behind the decision by Little League International to strip the Jackie Robinson West team of the national title over cheating by the adults who run the team.

“We know that we’re champions, our parents know that we’re champions and the team’s parents know we’re champions and Chicago knows we’re champions,” said JRW catcher Brandon Green

Green said the players did nothing wrong as he stood with his mother, Rev. Jesse Jackson and Fr. Michael Pfleger at the headquarters of Rainbow Push.

Fr. Michael Pfleger called the decision racist.

“You need to reverse your decision and you need to do it now,” Fr. Pfleger said.

Rev. Jesse Jackson also suggested race was behind the decision.

“This is persecution,” Jackson said. “This is not right, it is unnecessary and it is not fair.”

He said the adults should be punished but not the kids.

More here


  1. You cheated, you got caught...Ask "Uncle Jesse" about having to pay out for his affair!

  2. wah, wah, wah, we are soooo tired of hearing the race card being pulled, they freaking cheated and they dont deserve to win!

  3. i love this you get found cheating
    and its not that you cheated its all about race just like everything its all about race if you did not cheat then no problem but the old saying goes CHEATERS NEVER WIN

  4. You let down the kids by being a CHEATER. And I don't mean the kids on your team. And to think you cant be a man and need to play the race card.

  5. I was wondering how long it would take the racist black establishment to pull the race card?

  6. It is racist you dumb arses. If you had been smart enough to include a few white-Asians-Indians ringers, you could have kept your title.

  7. I'm sure there were black kids on the teams they unfairly beat. What about them?

  8. You RACIST Piece of Sh!ts!! I and many Americans were rooting for you guys because you were black. How does that make us racist. You let us down because you cheated and we are stunned because we found out that you cheated. You cheated us, you cheated Little League Baseball and more than anything you cheated America. No wonder you people can't be trusted. No wonder many black people are in jail. It's their nature and it will never change.

  9. When the hell is the Catholic Diocese going to get rid of that racist liberal POS Fr. Michael Pfleger. He is an embarrassment to our Catholic Faith.

  10. Wow I was pulling for them the whole time. You got caught take the hit. Cheating cost you not your skin color. Kinda like New England. They should have never been in the Bowl they cheated period.

  11. Some of those kids look older than the age requirement for little league, larger than some men. I hope the age requirements were checked carefully, because cheat on one thing, will cheat other ways.

  12. @1:05...Your comment was awesome...but you should have stopped at the word America...then you went too far...

  13. These kids didn't cheat and they shouldn't be punished , however I think recruiters should be they knew better but the kids no.

    For you that talk about trust in reference to race , the white man is at the bottom you better check your history (HIS_STORY) not YOUR STORY.


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