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Thursday, February 05, 2015

State Chief Justice: Don't Bend to Feds on 'Gay' Marriage

Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore is going to the wall to oppose a ruling from U.S. District Judge Callie Granade ordering the state to impose same-sex “marriage” on its residents, contending in a letter to state judges that she has no constitutional authority to do so.

Granade ruled the state’s definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman was unconstitutional. Then she refused to extend a stay on the ruling, ordering the state to start imposing the social change on citizens soon, after the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals declined to intervene.

As the state attorney general submitted an emergency request for a stay to the U.S. Supreme Court, Moore was drafting instructions to judges on how to handle a federal judge’s decision that violates the state constitution.

A letter obtained by WND from Moore to his probate judges was resolute.

“Lower federal courts are without authority to impose their own interpretation of federal constitutional law upon the state courts,” it stated.

“Furthermore, they have absolutely no legitimate authority to compel state courts to redefine marriage to include persons of the same sex. Not only is the Mobile federal court acting without constitutional authority, but it is doing so in a manner inconsistent with the Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution.”

More here


  1. Roy Moore has some backbone.
    We need LOTS more like him.

  2. 3:02 You mean judges that don't know the law. Any first year law student would be embarrassed at how wrong he is.

  3. Somebody is going to get removed from the bench......again.

  4. 4:47PM
    You may say that the AG and the judges are wrong., however it's the law that is wrong in the eyes of an overwhelming majority of Americans. And, many states are finally fighting back against federal oversteps on this and many other 'laws'.

  5. Good for him it's time to push back against this scourge.

  6. Let them get married. Could not affect me any less. I'd be pissed if I was gay and couldn't file taxes jointly, fulfill my spouse's will, or even apply for a loan to buy a house together!

  7. Even if gays are married they still can not file a joint return the IRS does not accept the marriage and therefore can not file a joint return!

  8. Another reason why the Republicans won't win the White House next year!


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