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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

SPD: 9 Snow Related Car Crashes So Far


  1. If these people would just put a "Dumbass" sticker on their car the rest of us could be on alert.

  2. 10:22 That would recognize 90% of local drivers... the cab companies would have to shut down.

  3. if businesses would heed to the restrictions on driving and not expect their employees to put theirselves in harms way then these people would not be on the road..businesses now EXPECT you there come hell or high water and no regard for your safety its the all mighty dollar..give these businesses fines and then maybe they will stop..

  4. 11:24 Another person who lives in the government's fantasy world. While government offices can survive with closures and delays, as their money comes in whether they're open or not, private business' are afforded the same luxury. They have to rely on sales and actually manufacturing, other than legislation and making crap up. Some may even be closed, but need to clear the way, so they can re-open tomorrow.

  5. And the hits literally keep on coming.

  6. Maybe duncan could post the pictures of the at fault drivers it would eliminate accidents like it does for shoplifting.


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