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Friday, February 13, 2015

Senator Brooks: Use 'Nuclear Option' to Move House DHS Bill

With Senate Democrats effectively blocking the House bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and deny money for immigration action, Alabama Sen. Mo Brooks has suggested that the GOP take a page out of the Democrat’s own playbook and eliminate filibusters for spending bills, The Hill reports.

Brooks wants Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to invoke the "nuclear option," which would change Senate rules so that instead of the required two-thirds supermajority vote, spending bills would need only a simple majority to advance.

In 2013, then Majority Leader Harry Reid invoked the nuclear option to eliminate Senate filibusters for most executive nominees.

"(Reid) said, I’m not going to let the filibuster stop me from achieving my political goals, and he exercised the nuclear option, and now under Harry Reid, you did not need 60 votes for appointments of Barack Obama-submitted appointees," Brooks said. "Rather, a mere majority would work.

"Well, if Harry Reid and the Democrats can do that, if they can stand up for those beliefs, however wrong those beliefs may be, then where is our Republican Senate leadership? And why aren’t they doing the same thing?



  1. Two wrongs don't make a right.

    We should not stoop down to their level!

  2. Instead work toward correcting the previous wrong.

    But, this will fall on deaf ears, as D's and R's are just left and right wings of the same vulture.

    Honor is only shared among the thieves.


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