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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Sen. Bernie Sanders: 'We Have to Take on the Billionaire Class'

(CNSNews.com) - Sen. Bernie Sanders, a socialist from Vermont, says he has not decided if he will run for president in 2016, but if he does, the nation's "grotesque" income inequality will be his issue:

"This is where I am right now," Sanders told MSNBC on Monday: "The great moral and economic and political issue of our time is the grotesque level of wealth and income inequality that we are experiencing.

"You know, the American people know that there is something profoundly wrong when you have the top one tenth of 1 percent owning more wealth than the bottom 90 percent, and 99 percent of all new income going to the top 1 percent.



  1. Just say no too communism

  2. There is a way to victory over the Billionaire class.

    Make their money worth nothing.

    It will be ugly, but we could make that happen.

  3. OK. Start with George Soros and let us know how that works for ya.

  4. Who's going to donate to this idiots campaign, poor people?

  5. He's right but socialism is not the answer,company directors have to stop rewarding CEO's for failure.


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