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Friday, February 20, 2015

Seattle Physics Teacher Requires Students To Learn About White Privilege

Out of line! Moses Rifkin of University Prep in Seattle has decided that his Physics students do not know enough about white privilege.

Seattle high school teacher Moses Rifkin is going to make sure his students learn all about white privilege this year in his physics class.

Moses Rifkin of University Prep in Seattle has decided that his Physics students do not know enough about white privilege.

Mr. Rifkin’s lesson will ask students to look at African American scientists of the past. The assignment asks the question, “Why, percentage-wise, are there dramatically fewer black physicists than black Americans? Is it because black students are not interested in physics? Not capable? Something else?”



  1. The term "white privilege" Is a racial slur trying to group certain people together based on race and demean them.

  2. I think calling it White Shaming would be accurate. Its no different than being racist or sexist or elitist but somehow it has become acceptable.

    I laugh at the notion of white privilege. It just let me know what kind of idiot I am dealing with.

  3. What the hell does so called white privledge have to do with phyics? That instructor needs to be fired.

  4. white privilege is a racist term and just keeps the pot stirred for those that are too clueless, uneducated, unmotivated, lazy thinkers, and easily led.

    I'm a white educated female that has had to work hard for everything I've ever accomplished and earned monetarily. I've lost money in some investments and earned money in some investments. Thankfully earned more than I lost, but I did not have anyone Give me anything. I started with NO money and began to learn how to Self-Employ while I worked outside the home. I continue to educate myself daily and I'm 68 years old.

    White privilege? don't think so. This is a "cop out" term used by losers. All the tools are given to the people who live in America, some don't chose to use them. period

  5. This is what the liberal elites are teaching instead of a real education, Be-careful where you send your kids.

  6. Without white privilege the young black thugs would have nobody to rob! The status quo would become a total disaster.


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