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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Scott Walker: Obama's Harvard Degree Proof I Don't Need One

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has lashed out at the "elitist" critics who have attacked him for not having a college degree.

On Fox News' "The Kelly File," the potential Republican presidential candidate defended himself after liberal commentators had attacked him for failing to finish his final year at Marquette University in Milwaukee.

"That's the kind of elitist, government-knows-best, top-down approach we've had for years," Walker told host Megyn Kelly, according to Mediaite.

"I'd rather have a fighter who's proven he can take on the big government interests and win. I think people want to judge what have you done lately."

He also noted that President Barack Obama, who has a degree from prestigious Harvard University in Massachusetts, has done a lousy job running the country for six years.

Although he hopes his own sons finish their education, the college dropout added, "You don’t have to have that to be successful."

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  1. Worked out ok for Bill Gates. You don't need a piece of paper to prove intelligence. It is helpful in today's world but there are plenty of successful people without one

  2. 9:04.. Good example.
    A degree only proves that you studied a subject and memorized the information well enough to pass the exam.

  3. How about Abe Lincoln. A president/governor etc only need a kind heart and willingness to do right by the tax payers.

  4. A college degree is less important to those that don't have one.

  5. yeah now go read the op ed in the Daily times yesterday and see how desperate the MSM is to use this against him. the stupid ones are the ones that buy into this smear stuff. it is so obvious what they are trying to do

  6. Anonymous said...
    yeah now go read the op ed in the Daily times yesterday and see how desperate the MSM is to use this against him. the stupid ones are the ones that buy into this smear stuff. it is so obvious what they are trying to do

    February 19, 2015 at 9:28 AM

    Funny the Democrats and the lame steam media are worried that the honest Governor Walker doesn't have a college degree, but they aren't worried about seeing Obama's supposed degree.

    When honest people asked to see Obama's supposed degree or transcripts they were bashed by the media and the Obama lovers. Funny how it's a different story now.

  7. There is no record that Obama ever attended college. There is no record of him being married and no birth certificates for his so called children. Now, lets talk about his Social Security card.

  8. What planet are you from 10:27? Or are you just another Eastern Shore moron?

  9. You do not need a degree to be a success, but down playing the importance of education is stupidity.

  10. 12:24 yes a legitimate useful education is a good thing, the problem is that the elitist think that unless you attend ivy league you are nothing. that is the whole point of this attack.

  11. 10:56 10:27 has a point. If there are records on Obama's past, they are not public records, therefore, do they actually exist? Hidden records usually lead to some kind of criminal activity. Let's start by him being born in Kenya, and there are no college records because he accepted taxpayers aid as a foreign student.

  12. I posted the original comment. I have a degree and my wife is a teacher. Education is very important. But just as much can be learned by working in the real world. Especially in jobs requiring a learned skill. Lots of guys that are plowing roads right now or fixing busted pipes that make a lot more than my wife does who also has a degree and is a teacher

  13. The so called degree was set to Barry Sarto a forien exchange student, not American born Obama.


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