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Friday, February 27, 2015

RNC's Williams: Focus On Hillary's Pay Inequities

Revelations that Hillary Clinton paid her female Senate staffers less than men — even as she now crows about women's rights — proves the hypocrisy of liberals, says Raffi Williams, deputy press secretary for youth and conservative media for the Republican National Committee.

"It's typical of liberals. You say one thing and then go do another," Williams said Wednesday on "the Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"They want to be held at different standards than everybody else and this is Hillary again showing her disconnect from the times and from people she's going to claim that she's been leading on these kinds of issues.

"But her Senate payrolls show a different story and tell the real truth here."

A Washington Free Beacon analysis of her payroll as a New York senator revealed women working for her were paid 72 cents on the dollar compared to men.

Williams said it is important conservatives publicized the inequity because the mainstream media won't.


1 comment:

  1. Why can't our leaders tell the truth ?It could be they don't know what it is .


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