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Monday, February 23, 2015

Republicans To Investigate Climate Data Tampering By NASA

Are government climate agencies tampering with climate data to show warming? Some Republicans think so.

California Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher says to expect congressional hearings on climate data tampering.

Rohrabacher serves as the vice chairman of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, which has jurisdiction over NASA and other agencies that monitor the Earth’s climate.

Rohrabacher has long been critical of the theory of man-made global warming. Lately, the California Republican has criticizing NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for allegedly tampering with temperature data to create an artificial warming trend. Such data is then used to justify regulations aimed at curbing fossil fuel use and other industrial activities.

Read more..


  1. Global warming affected their minds and made them do it. Ask Al Gore.

  2. NASA promised money from rich elitists to go along with man-made global warming.

  3. Yes, with the deep pockets of the government, even scientists can be corrupted.

  4. Oh good. Another Republican "investigation". How about doing something productive for a change like governing this country.

  5. They're sure trying,7:03, but the dems are obstructing them.
    Majority or minority, the dems in the Senate just won't let anything move.

    But of course, that is the Republicans fault, isn't it.

  6. Anyone heard of H A R P??? Do some reading.


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