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Friday, February 13, 2015

Republican lawmaker: Childbirth resulting from rape is "beautiful"

A Republican state legislator from West Virginia said Thursday that women should not be allowed to abort pregnancies resulting from rape because the child that could result from it is "beautiful."

"For somebody to take advantage of somebody else in such a horrible and terrifying and brutal way is absolutely disgusting," said West Virginia Del. Brian Kurcaba during a hearing on proposed new abortion restrictions, CBS Charleston affiliate WOWK-TV reports. "But what is beautiful is the child that could come as a production of this."

Kurcaba later said in a statement that his comments didn't fully represent his views, WOWK-TV reports.

"I apologize to anyone who took my comments about the sanctity of human life to mean anything other than that all children are precious regardless of circumstances," he said in the statement.


Publishers Notes: OH BOY!


  1. That is horrible. If someone raped his wife and she got pregnant from it I am sure he would be singing a different tune.

  2. What bothers me about controversies over things like abortion, gay marriage, religious beliefs, etc is that there are FAR MORE important issues that the government should be focusing on. Perhaps things like... I don't know... Maybe the economy? Perhaps ending the war we are in? Unemployment maybe? Maybe even addressing our sub-par education system?

    Nope, instead these morons in DC are worried about who should an shouldn't be able to abort pregnancies and to top that off they bring God into the picture at every opportunity. Now I'm not super religious, but I do believe that there is something greater than myself when I get to the other side. I don't believe that great being is controlling every aspect of my life and the lives of everybody else. I could give a crap less over who aborts and who doesn't and why they choose to do so. Let that lie in the individual's decision and beliefs - don't make it a political decision. Personally, I believe that I face the consequences I bring upon myself. My wife and I are about to have our second child. This was an "oops" and we weren't ready for it yet, but we are and will make the adjustments necessary to deal with our second child a little earlier than expect. We couldn't possibly abort a pregnancy that we knew was a result of our carelessness.

    On the other hand - some people are careless, lack the capacity to adapt their lifestyles to raise a child and by no means should ever have children. Now these types have children under the same circumstance that my wife and I are in, but my thoughts differ given the situation. Their child COULD grow up in a bad environment, have minimal opportunities in life and become a burden on society; both socially and economically. Say the government "allows" an abortion in this scenario, it could potential save a tremendous amount of taxpayers' dollars that would/could have gone towards raising this child and supporting him/her as an adult.

    Rape is a whole other situation; This is where religion and I part... If God is so great, why would a woman be destined to be raped? Did God make the poor and lazy that way for a reason too? There is free will and that free will is not predetermine by any higher power - it is determined by the individual. PERIOD. So the Jesus freaks that believe that God has a plan for everybody can get off their high horse. And if you still want to play that God game then maybe it was God's plan for a woman to have an abortion. If God makes all of our decisions for us and pre-writes this play that we live in called LIFE then perhaps the abortion is part of the Script. Ever think about it that way?? NOPE! Because everybody is so concerned with doing their own good despite the skeletons in their own closets - EVERY politician has them too. What if we take it a step farther - what if a woman dies giving birth as a result of a rape? Is the rapist now charged with murder? The woman would otherwise be alive had she not been inconvenienced with birthing the child of a rapist. Chew on that one Congress...

    I might sound more ProChoice but really I'm "Pro I Don't Give A Crap." Let the individual and that individual's beliefs and circumstances determine what is right or wrong for them. The government need not step in issues that pertain to religious views or basic morals. I'm the same way about gay marriage - WHO GIVES A CRAP?! If two dudes or two gals want to get married, what does that have to do with me and who am I to tell them what they can and can't do?

    Like I said, let go of these touchy issues that do not affect the daily workings of the government and focus on the issues that matter.

  3. Ethel Waters - a beautiful woman.

    She was born as a result of the rape of her teenaged mother.

  4. Jesse Jackson -- okay, not a beautiful man,but a person with a right to life.

    He was born as the result of the statutory rape of his 15 year old mother.

  5. What kind of culture executes -- KILLS a baby because of the crime of his father???

  6. Frederick Douglas -- a truly great man -- was conceived as a result of rape.

  7. 11:34 excellent point - seems most people missed that one

  8. terll him to write a check to help raise the kid

  9. The guy is an idiot. We're not talking about a couple of teenagers that fooled around regardless of consequence resulting in a pregnancy. We're talking about a criminal act. Rape is a crime of violence and I don't think the government or church should have say in how that poor woman should handle an unwanted pregnancy as a result of such a dispicable act.


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