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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Rep. Cummings: People ‘Come to Government To Feed Their Souls’

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D–Md.) says, “so many people come to government knowing that they are not going to make the kind of money they would make in the private sector but they come to government to feed their souls.”

Cummings was speaking in Washington D.C. at the Legislative Conference of the National Treasury Employees Union on February 4th when he made the comments.

The Maryland Democrat also told union members that getting federal workers a raise higher than the one proposed in President Obama’s budget is among his priorities.

“So what are my priorities? What’s my reason for being here?” Cummings said. “My ardent priority is to do whatever I can to help federal workers obtain fair compensation and meaningful pay raises.”



  1. The most high Bishop of the Church of Obama says...

  2. This guy is one of the Communists in our Government that needs to be dispatched.
    He is treasonous.

  3. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D–Md.) says, “so many people come to government knowing that they are not going to make the kind of money they would make in the private sector but they come to government to feed their souls.”

    The problem is except for the very highest rungs of the government the rest of the government workers make more than the private sector.

  4. Elijah be smokin' that weed again

  5. Elijah Cummings is just as bad if not worse than Al Sharpton,they both need to be eliminated.

  6. Another embarrassment brought to you by the dumba$$ liberal voters of Md.

  7. I want to hold a shovel for 25 an hr!

  8. Go get your boats and a shovel, it's getting too deep listening to him!

  9. A government job, where you can screw up, steal money, lie to people on a regular basis, not go to work,watch porn on your computer, do drugs, and drink, lose records, and still get raises. Yes, every low life wants a government job!

  10. He needs too go !!!

  11. what would that soul-less Communist know about a soul? His close friends in Worcester County Democrat Party threw him a party at the Atlantic Hotel last year!

  12. Further proof of the extreme disconnect with reality. News flash Cummings, people in government jobs make waaaaayyy more than the private sector. Almost everyone in the private sector wants a cushy, over compensated, no accountability, government job.


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