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Friday, February 06, 2015

RELIGION OF CHILD LOVE: Pedophilia Is a Cornerstone of Islam

This is Obama’s beautiful religion of peace.

By Dave Gibson

Child molestation is not only widespread throughout the Muslim world, but is completely accepted as a standard practice by Muslim men. In fact, in 2012, Pentagon lawyers, at the request of the Obama administration drafted an Army manual which forbade any criticism of child molestation by troops serving in Muslim countries.

In 2011, Muslim cleric Dr. Salih bin Fawzan tried to rationalize Muhammad’s criminal behavior in the following (rather laughable text):

The story of the prophet’s marriage to Aisha reveals to us aspects like the prophet’s conduct with Aisha, and more importantly the aspect regarding the relationship between the husband and wife, to show how one should treat his wife, just as the prophet did with Aisha.



  1. This is the religion that obama loves, hmmmmmmmmmm

  2. Islam is NOT a religion of peace. get it???

  3. Hopefully Obama was molested. That would explain a lot .

  4. It's the cult of Satan. Muhammad was and is Satan.

    It is not a religion.

  5. sick sons of biotches!

  6. How can any man allow his daughter to be molested by another man? Both are sick.

  7. Because Christianity is beacon of all things pure. Really ya'll? One day I think the delusions of granduer will stop....one day.

  8. I hope nobody is a Catholic in here

  9. It's very obvious that obama is a muslim and a homo. Maybe that is why chuck cookiepoo and jimmyboi love him so much.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Because Christianity is beacon of all things pure. Really ya'll? One day I think the delusions of granduer will stop....one day.

    February 7, 2015 at 3:34 PM

    I can't wait till you get to feel that cold steel slicing through your neck. I bet you start praying to God then, but guess what? It's going to be way to late. LMAO

  11. Anonymous said...
    Hopefully Obama was molested. That would explain a lot .

    February 6, 2015 at 7:33 PM

    He needs to be beat and molested.

  12. Anonymous said...
    I hope nobody is a Catholic in here

    February 7, 2015 at 4:06 PM

    I am Catholic and proud of it. What's it to you?


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