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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Redskins spent $180,000 lobbying to keep name, Patriots all in for Democrats

The Washington Redskins, under attack from some congressional leaders over its “racist” image, spent $180,000 to lobby for its name, according to a new report on NFL political spending.

The remarkably high fee to Washington’s McGuireWoods consulting covered just the last half of the year when Hill leaders such as Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid was demanding that the team change its name, considered by some as offensive to native Americans.

By comparison, the National Basketball Association spent just $150,000 — also through McGuireWoods — on lobbying for all of 2014 and on behalf of all 30 teams.

The Redskins lobbying tab was included in a new report from the campaign spending watchdog group, Center for Responsive Politics. The report looked at political spending by the NFL, and specifically the two teams in today’s Super Bowl, the New England Patriots and Seattle Seahawks.



  1. That's what is important. That politicians get greased. Harry Reid could give two $**ts about indians. He wants his cash, tax free cash, of course.

  2. $180,000. They probably spend more than that on laundry service for the team uniforms. Chump change...


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