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Saturday, February 14, 2015

PUBLIC HEARING: City of Salisbury Arts & Entertainment District Expansion


  1. A waste of time and money.

  2. Is there a tax benefit to anyone who becomes part of this? I guess I will have to go to find out.

  3. There's a reason for the term, "starving artists".

    It simply means there's no money in it.

    How about we have businesses that generate a tax base instead, Jimbo?

  4. I'd rather my tax dollars go to the arts than to support tax breaks for businesses. There are more important things than lower taxes and profits.

  5. Anonymous said...
    I'd rather my tax dollars go to the arts than to support tax breaks for businesses. There are more important things than lower taxes and profits.

    February 14, 2015 at 9:38 PM

    Do you even know WTF you are talking about?

    I didn't think so!!

  6. The arts crowd contribute absolutely nothing to the community, NOTHING!! I am sick of these damn freebies.

  7. I bet Jimbeau would love to see the Nutcracker.


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