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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Please Help, Need Food, Homeless With Small Children In Salisbury Maryland

You know your Mayor is completely full of crap when they imply things in Salisbury are getting better. In fact, I can't believe Jim Ireton can even show his face ANYWHERE other then Rehoboth. 

There are habitual beggars all over Salisbury. Now I ask you, where are these "small children"? We know the shelters are closed. We know the schools are closed today. Where's the FATHER? Where's the Salisbury Police?

THIS IS SALISBURY, MARYLAND Ladies & Gentlemen. NOT Chicago, Detroit or New York City!
Oh, that's right. WBOC, WMDT and the DT's don't think this is news. Nah, they'd rather put on a dress, a suit and tie and ACT like there's NOTHING wrong with our local economy. The local media PUTS the Lipstick on a Pig.


  1. Lol this is embarrassing and the great mayor is running for Re erection lol he sure has some Balz.

  2. I was approached by a pushy homeless man today in Giant Parking lot before noon. I was coming out with groceries. He asked me for money. His demeanor **seriously** frightened me. He kept insisting he was not bothering me in any way while looking wildly around the lot. I got in my car and locked the doors. What can be done to stop these people from accosting citizens in parking lots. I no longer feel safe in a parking lot in broad daylight. Some people are seriously ill to the point of being very dangerous and it frightens me.

  3. Giant should post no loitering signs and call police for violators. Maybe if enough customers shop elsewhere, they would get the message.

  4. 3:12, why not raise and grow your own food and live in a cave if you're afraid to go outside.

    1. Why should he/she have to? Why should that person change their way of life to accommodate these deadbeats. A person has the right to a reasonable expectation of safety when in public places.

  5. The Wawa down the street is as bad.

  6. 3:40pm that only hurts businesses and ultimately will hurt all of us when they out of business.
    Giant did have signs posted at one time. The Salisbury police should be patrolling the parking lots on a daily basis. This has been reported before on this blog. It doesn't help to have Halo organization so close to the Giant and the other stores in the area. The people leave there and panhandle in the parking lots. It is happening.

    Things are getting worse not better here. The economy, the general unrest of people, it is getting more and more dangerous in this city every single day. There are just too many people prowling around both day and night.

  7. Streets are packed snow about to turn to ice. Woman hurt in attempted car jacking at food loin. Three empty houses within half block of my home. Mayor's focused on protecting image in reference to suicide. How much longer can we put up with this BS?

  8. For all of the comments voiced about the mayor and his inability to do the job, every single voter should get out and VOTE in the next election regardless of the weather conditions, regardless if you don't feel all that well, regardless of what you may perceive the outcome to be. There are more and more dissatisfied taxpayers, and responsible renters that are not happy with Ireton's job performance and also his department head's and council members.

    If you feel unsafe day or night, if streets are not being taken care of, if no one is responsive to your questions and concerns all of us have a voice and we all can be heard by going out to vote.

    It is more than time to get rid of all the deadwood. O'taxie, Pollitt, and Conway thought they had us fooled, and would die in office. Guess what??? the PEOPLE spoke, and VOTED them all out of office. We can do the same for Ireton and his do nothing cronies.

  9. I've always found it funny how everyone but the local government sees the problems here...but yet we keep putting them in office, we don't hold them accountable....I mean come on....how many Salusbury residents, in town limits and outside town limits, care about revitalizing downtown??? Years ago, our local government didn't think it was worth saving and let it be destroyed....instead of opening pretentious bars and businesses, how about giving the kids around here a place to go....or something family oriented that you don't have to take a second mortgage out to enjoy....

  10. Needs more shelters for homeless and that you don't have to get up at 6 am and out by 730..what are you supposed to do if you have no where to go..that getting up at 6 us RIDICULOUS

  11. Take a look at the socioeconomic status of the majority of city residents. Those who know how poorly the mayor is running the city, live just outside city limits and can not vote but work in and travel through the city. Think about it.

  12. Lots of people have advised me to take my business to the north end of town... either WalMart... Sams...Food Lion if I have problems at Giant. I like Giant...I just wish they would keep their parking lot safe. This problems started many, many years ago with a woman kidnapped in a van.


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