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Thursday, February 12, 2015

PETA’s Virginia shelter killed 88% of rescued pets last year, up 30%: report

The number of animals killed at a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) facility in Virginia increased 30 percent in 2014, according to a new report by the Center for Consumer Freedom.

The animal rights group that touts responsible pet adoption and veganism euthanized a total of 2,324 dogs and cats at their facility in Norfolk last year, representing 88 percent of all pets PETA rescued, the CCF said.

“This delusional animal rights group is talking out of both sides of its mouth — on one side preaching animal rights, while on the other signing a death warrant for 88 percent of cats and dogs in its care,” Will Coggin, director of research at CCF, said in a statement. “PETA should be called a slaughterhouse, not an animal shelter.”



  1. Yes, sad, but the animals bodies went to schools, and universities for science, biology, and mortuary science classes. With the rapid decline of frogs it is a necessary teaching aid now.

  2. 10:45
    Is PETA CHARGING for the service of providing animal CORPSES to schools and Universities?
    I'd bet they make a pretty penny!

  3. I did the math that means they adopted out 385 animals. That's the best they could do? In a city the size of Norfolk? Not buying it. They just kill the animals that aren't cute and cuddly. This is why I stopped supporting the Humane Society though they are getting much better and I am rethinking them. Would NEVER support PETA any way, shape, or form!

  4. I know that medical schools and public schools pay a pretty penny for Dissection specimens. Frogs were $5 each, Piglets were $10 each.
    I used to teach at one of theses schools in the 90's.

  5. Now, now... just do as they say. Their staff needs more money for bonus' and kickbacks. They will persecute you for doing what they do! And, they kill cats and dogs, then go after people who raise livestock animals for their intended purpose, consumption. Thanks PETA!

  6. After the episode in Virginia with PETA taking that man's dog off of his porch and killing it I have NO use for PETA...I believe in their cause less and less everyday and this article is a prime reason for that!!! They turned what I thought was a great organization into a big lie!!! I wouldn't give them a dime!!

  7. PETA has Never a credible organization. weird and corrupt is a bad, bad combo.


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