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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Pasco Police Shooting Of Rock-Throwing Felon Was Clearly Justified

The Washington State ACLU and the family of Antonio Zambrano-Montes, 35, are claiming that three Pasco police officers used excessive force when they shot and killed Zambrano-Montes during a confrontation recorded by a bystander (above).

Police had been called because Zambrano-Montes was throwing rocks at cars in a store parking lot.

When officers arrived and attempted to take Zambrano-Montes into custody, he resisted by arming himself with rocks or chunks of concrete, and throwing those object at officers when they got close.

Officers apparently attempted to use a taser on Zambrano-Montes, but it failed as tasers so frequently do. Media accounts state that Zambrano-Montes simply picked the barb out of his skin (the other barb apparently missed), and continued resisting.

One rock that he threw at officers at approximately the 00:03 second mark was allegedly the size of a softball, and at the range of several feet, clearly constituted a lethal force weapon.



  1. Bull. A cop can dodge a rock. Nobody can dodge multiple bullets

  2. Anonymous said...
    Bull. A cop can dodge a rock. Nobody can dodge multiple bullets

    February 15, 2015 at 1:07 AM

    You obviously didn't look at this video or you had your blinders on. This clown ran and turned around twice and it clearly looked as though the La Thug was trying to shoot at the police officers, not once but twice, and murder them as they always do.

  3. I don't know if you liberal morons realize it or not, but rocks do kill people.

  4. Try throwing a stone at me or my children and a little phrase comes to mind. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but hollow points expand on impact.”

  5. ^^^^^^^what he said^^^^^^^^^^^

  6. What ever happened to shooting in a nonlethel place?

  7. If cops don't have a good excuse to shoot and kill you, clearly they will make one up!
    You shoot the guy once in the leg to disable, not 16 times 12 being "kill" shots.

    Welcome 3 more murderers to the force!
    Give them their teardrops and keep cheering!

  8. 1 down and many more to go !
    Good for the cops!!
    Don't bring a rock to a gun fight!

  9. David killed Goliath with a rock!


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