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Thursday, February 05, 2015

Panel: Unlike Obama, Jordan's King Shows Leadership in Terror War

The execution of two Iraqi jihadists by Jordan as punishment and revenge for the Islamic State (ISIS) burning alive a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot captured by the terror group shows how seriously King Abdullah takes the threat, a far cry from the lackluster response shown by President Barack Obama, according to Texas Rep. Kevin Brady and retired military commanders Paul Vallely and Derek Harvey.

The three men appeared in a joint panel on Newsmax TV's "America's Forum" on Wednesday as they upbraided Obama's handling of the war on terror and his weak and wavering strategy.



  1. Obama is a coward and pro islam and killing America.

  2. Obama was raised a muslim he claims not to be a muslim but his actions prove otherwise.He is lying SOS.

  3. Ohama is no man - no president - he is a waste of space. He would rather sit back and allow monsters to be leashed all over the World then wipe them out quick.. It really makes you wonder whose side is he on anyway. PICK A SIDE OBAMA... I am proud of the King of Jordon - and I hope he blows ISIS off the face of the Earth.. I wish I could be proud of my President too

  4. Nobama does what Iranian born senior adviser Valerie Jarrett tells him to do. Period. And you can keep your medical insurance and will save $2500.00 a year too....

  5. The Jordanian King has demonstrated true leadership and is a gifted ruler.
    Obama is nothing but a coward wannabe king who has no leadership skills and lacks the human decency to even tell the truth. He is a closet muslim and cannot deal with the truth of any problem. The people of Jordan have a King and we a lying coward community orgasnizer!

  6. Valerie Jarrett born in Iran and is now Obama's senior adviser? The same Iran that has been our enemy for almost 40 years? The same Iran that Obama is helping become a nuclear nation. 11:43 thanks for that information. I had to go and read it for myself. You just can't make this stuff up.


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