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Saturday, February 07, 2015

OC Bikefest - The Year We Rock

OC BIkeFest 2015 


Thursday: KIX and Great White

Friday: To Be Announced

Saturday: The Doobie Brothers


  1. Wow!!! Not my thing but more power to them!!!

  2. Be nice to have some artists that don't have to waddle on stage using walkers or wheelchairs but ok, still great bands in their day.
    Make the most of it. The way things are spiraling downward around here, bike week will probably become a distant memory eventually as well.

  3. 10:51 I guess you would rather see some trash like the likes of Miley Cyrus.

  4. Ban Bikes...

  5. $20 or $35 might make a good ticket price to see a good band, but heck if I'm going to drive 30 miles and pay that just to walk around looking at vendors' booths, half of which are empty. General admission to that should be free.

  6. 11:12,., Not everybody out there enjoying their hobby is a 'THUG'.


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