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Friday, February 27, 2015

Obama Tells Jeb: Lobby Fellow Republicans to Support Immigration

In a town hall in Miami, President Obama encouraged probable Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush to lobby folks in his party to support immigration reform:

"I appreciate Mr. Bush being concerned about immigration reform," Obama said. "I would suggest that what he do is talk to the speaker of the House and the members of his party. Because the fact of the matter is that even after we passed bipartisan legislation in the Senate, I gave the Republicans a year and a half -- a year and a half -- to just call the bill. We had the votes. They wouldn't do it."

(Video at the Weekly Standard)


  1. I'm in favor of immigration reform. Let's make the first reform: to enforce the laws on the books. Then let's see what problems we have left.

  2. I agree with Jim King about enforcing existing laws. Let's take a look at how Barry Sotero got a Connecticut social security card before he became a foreign student and made love to Larry Sinclair.

  3. We have no work. Go back home.

  4. Dear 10:26 and 10:39 ,

    If we enforced laws the following would take place:
    1. obama would be in jail for treason
    2. Al Sharpton would be in jail for tax evasion and insighting riots.
    3. all of the present administration would be in jail
    for treason.
    4. Obama has made it clear, he is king and you will abide by his rules.
    5. you guys elected him , now suffer in silence , the nation is doomed.
    6. next , a civil war will take place very shortly , now suck it up and by some ammo.

    1. Your number 5 bullet clearly demonstrates that you do not have the mental capacity to recognize satire or cynicism.

  5. I would suggest that Bozo the clown try to make peace with the Republicans in Congress himself.


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