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Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Obama: Paychecks to 143,000 Homeland Security employees will stop

President Barack Obama claimed on Monday that without a comprehensive budget covering the Department of Homeland Security, more than 130,000 mission-critical employees will be forced to work without pay by the end of the month.

They include 40,000 employed by Customs and Border Protection, 50,000 Transportation Security Administration screeners, 13,000 Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and 40,000 Coast Guard personnel.

Pay would be restored at the end of any withholding period.

'I know how vital you are, and I want to make sure more Americans know how vital you are,' Obama told an auditorium full of DHS employees Monday the department's headquarters, as the White House rolled out his $4 trillion budget request for 2016.

In addition, it's likely that 4,000 people who work for the Secret Service will see paychecks on hold if Obama doesn't strike a deal with Republicans in Congress.



  1. Write up a RECORD, bogus, "budget", then tug at the heart strings to force people to allow it through. How about this... put the elected officials (including president, vice, etc) salaries on the block, not the workers out getting things done. See how fast it gets fixed.

  2. The Secret Service is paid (at least, the agents are) through the Dept of Agriculture.
    Are food stamps and welfare checks also getting "suspended"?
    Or is it just supposed to punish the people who WORK for their pay???

  3. TSA is also paid thru Dept of Agriculture

  4. How about not dipping into your golf and vacation fund to pay their checks Barry?

  5. good homeland security should be dissolved along with the Patriot Act.... both resinded. this all has been a big farce to steal and rape this country...wake up

  6. howabout suspending the pay of congress and there staff, the white house staff, the dept of Energy and all non-essential ( which is most of them) staff. Its a beginning.

  7. GOOD, now disband the "Feuerland Schutasaffel" aka Homeland Security.

  8. YES! Send them home with pink slips.

  9. all of them except the coast guard should be disbanded.


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