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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Obama “Hopeful” Immigration Will Drown Conservatism

The spread of vibrant social diversity is constricting the GOP’s ability to champion conservative causes, such as smaller government and independent families, President Barack Obama said in a softball media interview.

“Over the long term, I’m pretty optimistic, and the reason is because this country just becomes more and more of a hodgepodge of folks,” Obama told Vox editor Ezra Klein.

“People are getting more and more comfortable with the diversity of this country, much more sophisticated about both the cultural differences but more importantly, the basic commonality that we have,” he said in his talk, which was recorded Jan 23.

But for Obama, “commonality” is a go-to euphemism for big, intrusive, nation-wide government by progressive experts.

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1 comment:

  1. I guess that's why he opened the borders to illegal aliens? Most of whom are from wretchedly poor SOCIALIST countries.


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