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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

No-knock police raid ends in blazing tragedy

Gun owners and self-defense advocates are lauding a rare victory in which a Texas grand jury has refused to indict a homeowner for shooting and killing a police officer who entered his home unannounced in the middle of the night.

The homeowner, Henry Magee, 28, said he thought the officers who broke through his door were robbers and he acted in self-defense to protect his pregnant girlfriend and two children.

Police were acting on a tip from a criminal informant that led them to believe Magee had more than a dozen marijuana plants, all at least six feet tall, in his rural home in Burleson County. Officers included a line on the warrant that Magee also had “possible illegal guns” stolen from the local sheriff’s office. The local magistrate signed off on the warrant, with deadly consequences.

Before the sun came up on Dec. 19, nine deputies broke down the door to Magee’s mobile home and set off a flash-bang grenade. Magee confronted them, firing away as they barged through the door. One of the deputies, Adam Sowders, fell dead.


  1. This ain't Iraq. Genades? Automatic weapons?
    Take that "overwhelming force" military doctrine to his funeral.
    Then prosecute the people who made that warrant possible.
    "6 foot marijuana plants"??
    "Stolen police guns"??
    Sounds like false statements to the police to me. It all worked out in the end, though.

  2. The fact that the police made false statements in order to secure a warrant is not surprising.

    The fact that they used overwhelming force to enforce the misstated warrant is not surprising.

    The fact that the guy whose house was invaded, apparently illegally so, was not killed after he shot a cop is not only surprising but borders on amazing.

  3. No knock my house First five in are dead. I guarantee it.

  4. That is a shoot, don't shoot, I hope I never have to face. But with the way things are today, you never know.


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