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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Netanyahu Declines Democrats' Invitation for Meeting During Visit

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declined on Tuesday an invitation to meet with U.S. Senate Democrats during his trip to Washington next week.

"Though I greatly appreciate your kind invitation to meet with Democratic Senators, I believe that doing so at this time could compound the misperception of partisanship regarding my upcoming visit," Netanyahu wrote in a letter to Senators Richard Durbin and Dianne Feinstein obtained by Reuters.



  1. Good job Bibi!

    The party supporting OweBlama - the party supporting the muslimes is your enemy....as well as the enemy of the people in the US of A!

    Daesh and its supporters be damned!

  2. Good for him!

    He's a very smart man.. he was being set up (again).

    This is quite a show.. the Commando vs. the Community Organizer.

    My money's on Bibi.

  3. I wish we had a Bibisitter!

  4. ANYONE who doesn't see what Obama is doing to Israel is a fn fool, He pro Muslim because of his family heritage ,its written in his OWN book, wake up America.

  5. Why would he subject himself to a closed door meeting.......at least he's got the balls to say what he feels in the public eye.

  6. Good, maybe Israel will fight their own wars. Thanks O, it's time for the US to take a break from shooting blacks overseas and at home. For 40 yrs, the only war I see is against black folks all over the world. Let Israel draw their own guns for once. We want to see if they can back up the tough talk. ISIS ain't big enough to spend billions to chase in the dust. Propaganda to draw us in Iraq instead of Iran. Keep on em Obama! Don't let a candidate draw you in their political affairs.


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