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Thursday, February 05, 2015

NBC's Brian Williams admits that Iraq war bravery story is a lie

NBC news anchor Brian Williams has been forced to admit that he wasn't aboard a helicopter hit and forced down by enemy fire during the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

The Nightly News anchor has often repeated the war story over the past 12 years about how the aircraft he was on was forced down by enemy fire.

During a report on Friday, Williams went further and said that the aircraft he was on had actually been hit - a claim that quickly prompted denials from soldiers who were present.

On Wednesday, Williams apologized during his NBC Nightly News bulletin and said that he was 'mistaken'. Later that evening he didn't seem too worried about the furor as he enjoyed a New York Rangers game with his good friend Tom Hanks.



  1. why would anyone expect a Communist-sympathizer to tell the truth?

  2. "I was on a helicopter that was hit by an enemy rocket propelled grenade, wow what an unforgettable experience".

    Oh, wait. I'm confused. I must be mistaken.

    What a leech.

  3. remember when Hillary's plane "came under fire"?

  4. More reason not to trust the main stream media. All smoke and mirrors. They are a mouth piece for both the government and corporate interests. Bought and sold by both.

  5. And we are supposed to give any credibility to the media? Back in the days of Walter Kronkite, credibility of the fourth estate was paramount. Now it is just another TV show, no different than a sitcom looking for rating to garner ad revenue. TV "news" has NOTHING to do with truth. Anyone who thinks it is about reporting any truths is just naive.

  6. The only truly professional and irrefutably honest newscaster? Ron Burgundy!
    Well, perhaps if compared to WBOC at least. I feel like I'm watching a "reality" show with their morning chuckles and idiotically nonsensical blabbering. And as for their weather forecasting ability......don't get me started.

  7. It's possible to forget an appointment, a meal or the words to a song. Being almost killed by folks shooting at your transportation? Not so much.

  8. New media has not had any credibility in years, and it took a real nose dive in 2009!

  9. Big deal, John Kerry lied about his haroing experiences in Viet Nam and how he got all those medals!

  10. His credibility just sunk like the Titanic, which by the way he was also on.

  11. What he did is nothing less than "Stolen Valor". No less serious than lying about some fictitious 'Nam tour that wasn't performed.
    I always figured that guy was a big fake. He just proved it in spades.

  12. Isn't this what got Dan Rather canned?


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