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Friday, February 13, 2015


More cities are trying to follow in the footsteps of D.C.-area jurisdictions to give non-citizens the right to vote in municipal elections.

Though many of these proposals have failed, the Washington Post notes that activists in Amherst, Massachusetts, Madison, Wisconsin, and Burlington, Vermont are also clamoring to give voting rights to non-citizens. In New York, as Breitbart News has noted, Mayor Bill de Blasio has said he would like to “continue the conversation” this year on giving voting rights to non-citizens.

Six Maryland jurisdictions and Chicago allow non-citizens to vote in some local elections.



  1. NO! This needs to be stopped - or we'll have every illegal alien voting for amnesty, welfare, food stamps, and Democrats that will give it to them!

    We have enough legal voters that shouldn't be allowed to vote - for similar reasons (in addition to stupidity).

    Look how quickly we went down the tubes already when we allowed the election/reelection of a president that wasn't required to prove his eligibility before the election - not to say that I believe he proved it afterward anyway!

  2. Hey, 9:07, read the story. These places only allow non-citizens to vote for local offices. Local officials, in case you don't know, can't impose amnesty, welfare, food stamps, etc.

    Also, if you look back at the history of our country, non-citizens could vote in pretty much every state up until around the 1830s.

  3. What are the six districts in Md?

  4. 9:07 non citizen doesn't mean they are here illegally. Green card holders aren't citizens but they are here legally and should have a say how a town in which they are a legal resident is run.

  5. To 9:07. Nice try. You admit green card holders aren't citizens. Case closed.

  6. 9:51 Not until they become a citizen you idiot!

    Hey, lets all of us Americans move to Nova Scotia, vote out legal citizens and take the place over!
    That's what you are advocating Mexicans and other foreigners do here fool.

  7. lets send putin a ballot

  8. 11:27: So you are telling me that a legal resident of a town who pays property, sales, and income tax should not be allowed to vote for the people who run that town and make decisions that affect their property rights. Sounds to me like taxation without representation. Are you a communist or just maybe a monarchist? It's a shame what has become of the good old USA.

  9. 1202, absolutely yes. That Immigrant signed up for this, and needs to follow the rules of what he signed up for.

    Why do you have a problem with that?

    Sign a contract, obey it's constraints!

  10. 9:59 That is a weak illogical argument. If you can't come up with a better response than that quit commenting. Using your logic when the British settled the Americas we agreed to taxation with representation. Therefore we had no right to complain and start a revolution. Therefore are country has been founded on a falsehood and should revert back to a commonwealth of Great Britain.
    I personally feel if a person owns property in a town, county, state, or country they should have a vote whether they are a citizen or not even if they don't live there. In other words if I own property in Salisbury and live in Princess Anne I should be able to participate in both Salisbury and Princess Anne local elections.

  11. "In other words if I own property in Salisbury and live in Princess Anne I should be able to participate in both Salisbury and Princess Anne local elections."

    WTF? Where does that logic end. I own property in multiple states. Should I be allowed to participate in all state elections? Of course not - that's just stupid. Foreign nationals own considerable property in the US - follow that one thru.


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