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Friday, February 13, 2015

Militant Atheism Behind Killing of 3 Muslims?

The man accused of killing three young members of a young Muslim family in an apartment complex near the University of North Carolina campus in Chapel Hill had hate in his heart and targeted the students because of their ethnicity, according to the devastated father of two of the victims.

Police say the triple murder of Deah Barakat, 23, his 21-year-old wife Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha and her sister, Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, Tuesday afternoon was the climax of a long-simmering parking dispute with 46-year-old neighbor Craig Stephen Hicks.

Hicks, an avowed and vehement atheist according to his Facebook posts, appeared shackled and dressed in an orange jumpsuit during arraignment Wednesday when a judge ordered him held without bond until a court appearance March 4.

“It was execution style, a bullet in every head,” the father of the women, Dr. Mohammad Abu-Salha, told the Charlotte News and Observer Wednesday morning.

The accused killer used his Facebook page to promote his atheistic views and demean those who embrace religion.

“I give your religion as much respect as your religion gives me,” he wrote in a long rant under the Religion section of his page, where he identifies as atheist.

“There’s nothing complicated about it, and I have every right to insult a religion that goes out of its way to insult, to judge, and to condemn me as an inadequate human being — which your religion does with self-righteous gusto..."

Hicks frequently posted quotes of prominent atheists, including the prominent British professor and author Richard Dawkins.

More here


  1. Hey Islam! Hate sucks doesn't it?
    Oh well... good riddance.

  2. it was over a parking space. it was horrible but it was not racist

  3. 11:43 This... parking space, not race, not religion. People need to fact check more. Morons.

  4. The media never mentions anything about muslims killing white Americans, but they are quick to make it a hate crime against muslims. F*k them muslims and F*k the lame stream media and yes I am pissed and can't stand either one of them.

  5. Read deeper. It goes further than a parking space. And I feel its good. Let the ISIS and any Muslim know that extreme mentality will only become worse with ISIS actions. Soon no Muslim will be safe if they keep it up.

  6. Militant Atheist? What does that even mean? Can someone point me to the atheist manifesto or holy book?

    Last time I checked being Atheist meant you rejected claims of the supernatural or deities, and that's it. There was no further claim or manifesto.

    Can someone explain how one is "militant"?

  7. Cry me a river muslims.

  8. Rest in peace young people.Your families and friends have my symphony. I know their hearts ache.

    As Muslims these young people did not represent Isis or any other terrorist.There is every reason to think they represented that which is good in humanity.

    As an atheist, Hicks, their killer, did not represent all other atheists.
    As an NRA member, Hicks, did not represent all other NRA members.
    Whatever political party he belonged to,(I don't think we know that at this time.) Hicks did not represent all other members of that party.
    Hicks represented only himself in this senseless tragedy.

    Kayla Mueller said, "Some people find God in church. Some people find God in nature. Some people find God in love. I found God in suffering. I have known for some time what my life's work is, using my hands to relieve suffering." She did all she could in what she saw as her calling. I am sure she did not discriminate. May she too rest in peace.


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