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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Michael Moore Crawls from Under his Rock Again to Defend Brian Williams in a Crazy Rant

It looks like Michael Moore simply has to make a royal you-know-what out of himself once again while also making people question his sanity. This time, rather than attacking snipers, both in general and Chris Kyle specifically, who put their lives on the line as they fight for this country, Moore decided to come to the defense of a colossal liar.

NBC’s disgraced Brian Williams, who has been caught in a series of lies used to build his career, has more than one cheerleader. First, fellow liar Dan Rather came to Williams’ defense. Now, anti-American, big-mouthed Moore has come to the defense of Brian Williams, and found a way to mouth off with accusations of the George W. Bush administration being guilty of war crimes.

Before reading Moore’s rant, I must warn you to brace yourself. Not only is it filled with profanity, it is also filled with lunacy.



  1. this coming from a guy who disrespects our veterans and chris kyle American Sniper F U fatboy, kinda like a fat blogger that puts children s names up on his bs blog in the middle of adult discussions.

  2. This big fat waste of life just needs to go away. Nobody cares about him or what he has to say.

  3. he's just a self promoting scumbag. he's the white Al Sharpton.

  4. 7:11 - both are wastes of oxygen!

  5. reminds me of Jonathan Taylor LOL. Self important and nobody cares what he thinks.

  6. Moore is defending Williams who is another quintessential democrat who excels at nothing else except lying. Democrats are a morally corrupted, intellectually inferior sub species of the human being and are solely responsible for each and every single ill this country now faces and has faced. Moore and the rest of them are to be dismissed because they are the lowest of the low of life form. Don't foul your mind or your air worrying about uselessness. Dismiss them for what they are-Useless Eaters.

  7. OMG just unbelieveable. Why does media even listen to this guy or point their camera at him. POS, scumbag, period.

  8. 8:38
    they (the media) love him and believe every putrid thing that oozes from the gash under his nose.
    They love he's out there ranting and saying things they want to say but are too afraid.
    The curtain has been pulled away and we are all seeing it's just a old man pulling the strings of a puppet.

  9. Can we just put this guy, Kanye West and his wife and a few hundred people on a boat and then push them off the dock? Is that wrong?

  10. There was a time when this guy had some relevant things to say. That time has evidently passed.


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