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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Md. students begin new testing in March

Maryland grade and high school students will face new-generation statewide testing starting next month that will measure their progress based on Common Core-type standards.

Students in grades three through eight and high school students who have taken Algebra 1 and English 10 will take the new tests starting the first week of March.

The new assessments, which replace past statewide tests, are designed to measure students critical thinking, communications and problem solving.

“I would like the parents to know that we’re going to have far more information about their students than we’ve ever had before,” says Lillian Lowery, Maryland state superintendent of schools.



  1. Dear Readers,

    I can assure you that the data dissemination that Dr. Lowery refers to is quite complete - and frankly (in my opinion), quite unethical. The fact of the matter is that both she and the previous Governor jumped at the chance to secure federal funding without really reading the fine print. I would continue to encourage parents to exercise their rights as parents by accessing the following web site:




  2. Lets test our children to death on a program that stinks. Common Core should be abolished because I can see with my grandson that it is not work. He is not getting the math.

  3. He's not supposed to "get" the math.. It's just an exercise in futility, with the prime object of diagramming and teaches nothing.

  4. Thanks maryland teachers union for allowing this to happen.

  5. Instead of testing, the time should be used to TEACH!!

  6. Common Core = Dumbing Down.

  7. 2:14


    Signed, Wicomico County Teacher

  8. NO KIDDING they will have more information on the students - not to mention their parents! How many data points are being captured?

  9. Yes, just what kind of information/data?


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